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Livestock are threatened by predators – but old-fashioned shepherding may be an effective solution

Carnivores like leopards, lions and hyenas have been killing livestock for centuries, causing financial losses to farmers.

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Seven insights from the beautiful grasslands of the Eastern Cape

Two partner organisations and two communal sheep farmers share their experience of what happens when a community-centred approach is taken to conserving land, ecosystems and biodiversity while also boosting livelihoods.

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Conservation agreements could be a win-win for land and communal wool farmers

An invisible thread links high-end urban shoppers in luxury boutiques to farmers in some of the most rural places on earth.

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Herding 4 Health in Limpopo National Park

Regeneration of rangelands to improve soil and vegetation health is a climate-change mitigation tool that is rapidly gaining credibility and acceptance worldwide.

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Herding for Health connects community farmers with markets

Farmers participating in the Herding for Health programme in Massingir in the Gaza province bordering the Limpopo National Park in Mozambique, no longer lose cattle to predation.

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Herding for Health celebrates five years in Limpopo National Park

This August, Conservation International and Peace Parks Foundation celebrate five years of Herding for Health in Mozambique’s Limpopo National Park (LNP).

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People, Livestock and Conservation

Herding 4 Health is a community development activity that promotes conservation outcomes while supporting people living in rural areas to find their way out of extreme poverty.

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